
Jan J. Koenderink awarded the 2017 Ken Nakayama Medal for Excellence in Vision Science
The Vision Sciences Society is honored to present Jan J. Koenderink with the 2017 Ken Nakayama Medal for Excellence in Vision Science. The Ken Nakayama Medal is in honor of Professor Ken Nakayama’s contributions to the Vision Sciences Society, as well as his innovations and excellence to the domain of vision sciences. The winner of…
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The Executive Board appoints Maarten van der Smagt teaching fellow
Maarten has been appointed teaching fellows by the Executive Board. He is given time to devote himself to programme transcending educational innovation in the upcoming three years. Together with two colleagues, Van der Smagt will do pioneering work to further improve the quality of education at Utrecht University. If they are evaluated positively at the end…
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Peter Bos lectures in ‘Universiteit van Nederland’
Why can people in love act weird as they sometimes do? Peter Bos explains how: watch his lecture (in Dutch) on the ‘Universiteit van Nederland’ website:
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Review published in TiCS: How Oral Contraceptives Impact Social-Emotional Behavior and Brain Function
Strong indications exist that OCs, by actions of their main ingredients, the ovarian hormones estradiol and P, affect social-emotional behavior and brain function. Despite millions of users worldwide, neuroscientific research on the social-emotional effects of OCs is just starting to emerge. The current literature demonstrates effects of OCs on emotional functions such as fear and…
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